Industry 4.0 Revolution of Gear Inspections & Human Life

Industry, revolution and human lives remain inextricably linked and have been so for as long as the earth existed. Every time a change, a revolution took place, it took lives to the next level of existence. When we learned to light a flame, it led to almost a forest fire in our lives! We learn … Read more

Importance of analytics in gear inspection

Where humans shall stay miles ahead of machines is in the arena of thinking 360 degrees. Despite the best of efforts, this is one aspect where into the present humans still stay ahead of machines. But where machines do a much better job is at collecting, collating and analyzing humongous volumes of data to come … Read more



About Us

CalibroMeasure Equipments P. Ltd. with its highly experienced team designs & manufactures automated dimensional inspection solutions for precision gears & transmission shafts for final as well as in process inspection.


Addrees: G-39/7/2, MIDC, Waluj Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India


Phone: +918975767905, +919822032062